Saturday, February 13, 2010

Betsy's Class continued...

Questions about my new job.

Yes, I am a Registered Nurse and I was recently offered a job. The job is not specifically nursing. I don't think that I could be a great bedside nurse without knowing Arabic fluently. I am really sad about this, but I knew this to be true when I moved here and I knew this as I was looking for work.

I found a job that uses my nursing background and my personal experience with computer charting. I will be working for a non-profit organization that is developing and implementing computer charting for all hospitals and clinics in Jordan. Basically over the next 7 years their entire health care system will have the same computer network. Every doctor, nurse, clinician will be using the same computer charting and have the same information in their computer about all patients in Jordan. Therefore, if someone is vacationing in another part of Jordan and needs medical care, the doctor will know the medications, allergies, health history, xray results, lab work, virtually everything about the patient with just a click on his computer! This will provide the opportunity for better care of all Jordanians and easier access for all providers.

I will help in this process. They have a variety of opportunities for me within this organization. I will know more on Sunday and the days to come!!

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