Monday, July 27, 2009

Off to our new land of experiences

We left as usual. We have done this flight six times now, this was our second with the children. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. We packed our seven suitcases and five carry-ons as usual. Making sure we had them all to the 50 pound standard. It seems like a lot of luggage and I'm certain the people in the line behind us were wondering what one family would need with so much luggage. If they only knew that this flight was different for us. This flight was the flight that would lead us to Amman, Jordan, where we would stay for at least a year before returning to visit my homeland of the United States. My family was at the airport with us for support and to say goodbye. We said our goodbyes through our tears, yet trying to be strong knowing that we will see each other next summer.

It was July 17, 2009. We were preparing for this move for only a few weeks. "What?!", some may ask, "only a few weeks preparation for a move half way around the world?!" My response would be that this is all the time we had. After recieving word from Amman that my husband indeed had secured a great position in his area of Economics, we had little time other than a few weeks. "Come as soon as you can," is what his new boss told him. Shortly thereafter, I notified my work that I would be leaving in three weeks. During this time we quickly packed all of our posessions into boxes and wrapped our furniture and vehicle so that they would survive the seven week journey across seas. We loaded our loot onto the back end of a semi-truck on June 17th 2009 and then headed to Minnesota to visit my family for a month.

During our month in Minnesota we spent time with my family. We stayed with my sister and her husband in Minneapolis for a few days and went out boating and hung out around the house. We also spent time at the family cabin where we went boating, fishing, swimming and relaxing together. We said goodbye to my beautiful Grandmother who passed away after her battle with cancer. It was a great time spent time with my wonderful family and long loved friends.

I remember these last days at home as we landed in Amman. I wondered to myself quietly, what are we doing here again?! We were just here two months ago for a visit with my in-laws. We come to Jordan every 2-3 years to visit my husbands family who all mostly reside in Jordan. I have always enjoyed our extened trips here. However, this time was different of coarse. We are moving here...and what does that mean?!...I kept asking myself. I wondered what the differences will be from visiting versus living. How quickly will I learn the language? When and where will I find work or will I prefer to stay at home with our two small children? How will my life, my husbands life, the lives our children and of our families be affected by this? This is the uncertainty that will keep me questioning over the next days, weeks, months, years (?!) to come. The strength that will keep me going during this journey is that we have the support of our families and in each other, and we have our faith that will keep us together.

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